Sunday, December 18, 2011


i took a social media course and realise..... my blog has been stagnant for 1 year! ONE YEAR!!! haha

n i realise.. there are people visiting this site. thank you.. my fans. though i think its few of you.. maybe only 2, and some random stumblers. hahahhaha

as facebook gets more intrusive... i thought.. maybe.. i will use here to share. =)

Plus.. i found exciting things about blog after my course. so.. let me try and revamp it.

n its so funny reading the old posts. i've been through so many stages in life.. childish, emo, all the 'z' and short forms, bimbo, and erm.. attempted smartness. HAHAHAHA so funny. though embarrassing to readd back.. but nonetheless hilarious. yeah look back and laugh. or hide away in shame.

ten thousand time i thought of shifting out from this webpage address.. should i? should i not.. let me think about it.

meanwhile.. be patient as my brain works. HAHA