Saturday, November 15, 2008

i'm blogging.

yes the last i wrote, i was in pain. after that, i was trying to recover, and recovery also equate to desperately trying to desperately catch up with the lost life. sianness. I've collated ten thousand webcast and readings in the end... still have like 16 hours worth of lectures to watch. argh.

thankfully, i recovered quick enough for parties! afterall... its the ultimate combi of char, wing, rah and yt's bday all in a mth! heh heh. so much excitement i lost track of pain, and the "not-to's" though i have to miss some. love my frenz =) just abit worried abt the tenthousand photos that are popping up on facebook. cameras + facebook = lethality.

and in the midst of recovery.. i passed driving with 6 demerits and have officially joined the reckless drivers on the road. heh heh. yes you can hear my dad sit in fear next to me. rofl.

and i applied for the social work scholarship which i failed to get. its kinda expected cuz i know there will be competition and my grades are constant.. constantly falling. haha it was like trying my luck and a bonus to get.. den again. i may possibly get caught in the dilemma if i were to get it. afterall.. i haven't totally convince myself that fsc is the route to take. rofl. but the interviewees sure make you think so hard about the profession. maybe if we name ourselves "Social doctors", the need for explanation might be reduced. den again.. we might drown from criticism which we have to counter. the society we live in.

my frenz are starting up their own family - marriage. oh manz. i'm 22 and i've been invited to 3 officially of frenz my age. "so fast!" my reaction. i can still collect ang paos during cny. hahahhahahah

I am foreseeing more ups and downs in my near future. nearer than i thought. study sessions may be more distracting than expected. december may not be as exciting and as fun filled as i want it to be. sometimes i ask, why are responsibilities coming at me so quickly? it'll make me stronger. I dare not think further.

"加油 Selina!" the repetition to self. thats all i need I tell myself. thats all i need.

lifespan development, i'm struggling in the reality of it.

study hard my friends who are preparing for exams, or who are in the mids of exams. play hard and enjoy my frenz.. who have finished your exams! stay cool, for all others! =)

one day.. i will be the career women whom i want to be. one day. with the little car, my little house, my little snaff, my family, frenz and my career.

so emo. maybe i need some booze to lighten it all up. hahaha den again.. i'm not alcoholic. **hugz snaff** and all emo-ness disappears. hahaha